Unbiased hiring
Become more efficient and select future colleagues based on their competencies.
Assess competency in an unbiased way
Identify candidates to invite for the first interview, faster and more accurately with Tengai's AI interview.
Assess all candidates in a fair and equal way
Recruiters can follow the process in real-time
Tested by psychometric experts to be accurate

Efficient unbiased hiring
Having an unbiased recruitment methodology means focusing on candidates' skillsets and competencies, rather than their background or appearance. Collecting the "right" candidate data is not only fair to applicants but is also proven to create a more efficient recruitment process.
With Tengai, recruiters get an AI assistant developed to objectively screen candidates and deliver structured data, which makes it possible to identify candidates with the right competencies to invite for the first interview. Inviting the right applicant, with the right competencies to the initial interview, will help HR professionals save countless hours and create a higher-quality hiring outcome.
Making candidates feel safe with diversity recruiting
In the wake of Covid-19, recruiters are noticing that candidates prefer to have a digital screening interview when they started implementing physical interviews again. Many job seekers like the flexibility and having a digital meeting to understand if they are interested in the position. With Tengai, you can guarantee a screening interview free from bias as Tengai is programmed with diversity and inclusion software and never takes appearance or background into consideration.
Not only is Tengai's interview convenient for candidates, but it also reduces the number of touch-points and handoffs that recruiters have to stickhandle for every new applicant, coordinate busy schedules, or manually screen every applicant.

What clients are saying
By automating the screening phase, we managed to scale quickly while keeping our focus on diversity and having an inclusive candidate experience.
Johanna Nordin HR Business Partner at Pophouse Entertainment
With the use of Tengai, we can make sure every candidate gets a unique and personalized experience when applying for a job at SEB.
Sam Joukhadar Global Head of Talent Acquisition at SEB
When it comes to the interview, I haven't found another solution on the market that can ensure a bias-free process. By using Tengai, we have successfully been able to upgrade our recruitment process to be focused on competency.
Havva Ilhan Deputy Head of HR at Upplands-Bro
With Tengai we can compare and select the best candidates, in a scientific way. Without letting bias affect the decision. I'm convinced that Tengai will contribute to a more sustainable labor market, which is completely in line with our vision at TNG.
Åsa Edman Källströmer CEO at TNG
Tengai made it possible for us to combine digital solutions with our focus on equality, inclusion and diversity. To grow on the Swedish market, we had to try something new!
Tobias Bedinger HR Advisor at DNB Bank
Tengai made it easier for us, better for the candidate, and quality-assured the process at the same time. I see a lot of opportunities in HR right now and how AI can help us process large volumes of data and help skill-develop my staff.
Patrik Reman HR Manager for the Competence Unit at Gävle Municipality
With Tengai, we can attract and engage candidates and at the same time become more unbiased. Tengai also makes it possible to cut a step out of the recruitment process and become more accurate when it comes to the candidate experience.
Linus Holmgren Employer Branding Manager of HR staff at Nacka Municipality
With Tengai, we could upgrade our recruitment process and candidate experience. Innovation is a core value At Altran and to lead the technological development is a signum for us.
Anna Alveros HR Director at Altran
Increase quality with Tengai
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