The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasing not only in our daily lives, but also in the workplace. Many talent, recruitment and HR teams have implemented an AI recruitment solution to improve their hiring practices. Let’s take a look at the role of AI in the recruiting process and how it can benefit your business. 

What is AI recruiting?

There are many AI recruitment tools that use data points from responses to determine if a candidate is qualified for the position, such as:

  • Analysis of facial expressions, body language, and gestures
  • Voice and text sentiment analysis
  • Actual ability to do the job
  • Cultural fit and personality 

That isn't why recruiters are turning to AI. Recruiters and talent teams want to automate the recruiting process in order to speed it up, save money, and make it easier to manage large numbers of prospects.

Why you should use AI for recruitment

Using AI in recruitment can help to speed up the process by taking care of tasks like screening, skill testing and interviewing. This then frees up time for HR and Talent teams so that they can focus on other aspects of attracting and keeping employees.

Technology is increasingly making it easier for industries to use AI to automate or streamline time-consuming tasks. Recruitment is one area where this technology is having a major impact. Time is the most precious aspect of the recruitment process. Talent acquisition teams are utilizing AI in order to screen candidates. However, this puts more pressure on recruiters to find quality candidates amid an increased pool of applicants.

Related: How DNB Bank is using AI to assess a large group of candidates.

AI interview for recruitment


How recruiters are using AI

There are three main ways recruiters are using AI in the hiring process:

Sourcing: finding and connecting with talent quickly

Screening: quickly deriving the best applicants

Interviewing: facilitate remote hiring and save time

Candidate sourcing

AI-based tools can help recruiters connect with talent more quickly. Some tools focus on searching for profiles across job boards or internal databases. Others maximize marketing efforts and connect with candidates in real-time, while others still are AI chatbots that can interact and manage a candidate's specific needs to determine what role will be the best fit and how they should apply through the job site.

Candidate screening

As shown, screening is the most time-consuming aspect of the hiring process. AI screening tools aim to quickly derive information from applications to speed up this step.

The most common types of AI screening tools are resume analysis, behavioral testing, and skill assessments. The use of predictive performance based on skill testing is more effective than a resume history at matching candidates to open roles because a skill test indicates current knowledge and ability rather than past experience. Regardless of the method used, AI technologies minimize the time it takes to evaluate candidates and help screen them instead of rejecting them.

Candidate interviews

AI tools are utilized in interviews in two distinct situations. In the first case, organizations like Unilever, Google, and Facebook have started to employ AI to assess video interviews, utilizing voice and facial expression analysis to evaluate personality characteristics. While this can help reduce the time and attention needed of recruiters to go through each candidate's recorded response, there are a few major concerns with using face recognition to pick prospects - I'll get into that later.

In addition, to gauge a candidate's qualifications, you can also use AI tools to better understand their thought process. For example, after having a job applicant write a sample blog post on a topic relevant to the company’s industry, you could follow up with Why did you choose the particular topic? in  Video Interview format. This would not only provide more context to the skills test but also make it easier for talented individuals who might not have voiced themselves well initially to stand out from the rest.

Read more about different kinds of AI recruitment.

Benefits of AI in the recruiting process

Improve recruiter performance

AI and automation play a crucial role in processing the large number of candidates who apply for open positions. Traditional pre-employment screening and shortlisting can take up to 23 hours of a recruiter’s time per hire. AI screening tools, on the other hand, can process thousands of applications quickly and surface qualified candidates.

Another disadvantage is that recruiters now operate in a market that favors those who apply. There is a lot of fierce competition for talent, and companies must do more to stand out. It's also critical for recruiters to expand their hiring funnel so they can discover additional potential new employees.

A recruiter can use AI tools to screen candidates not only based on arbitrary criteria, but also to expand their candidate pool beyond initial application submissions. As a result, this technique opens up more hiring opportunities.

Enhances the candidate's experience

Automated online screening and interviewing tools not only save time for recruiters and candidates, but also allow candidates to apply without quitting their current job. These tools improve the transparency of communication and deliver a much better hiring experience overall.

Allows hiring to be done at scale

Sourcing tools that are more powerful are resulting in more candidates being funneled into the hiring process. This provides an advantage to recruitment teams who now have more people to choose from, but puts extra stress on teams who were already short-staffed. The way things were done before with just relying on résumés and phone screening is no longer possible because there would be too many people involved.

AI recruitment tools improve the process by making it faster and easier to evaluate applicants. These tools allow small teams to do what would normally take weeks in only a matter of days, without compromising quality.

Help with interviewing

AI in HR makes it simple to contact, screen, rank, and shortlist potential applicants based on the qualities most relevant to your organization. Then, when you've compiled a list of individuals you'd want to interview, the chatbot may handle the scheduling.

A virtual interview might be conducted before inviting a candidate to come in person. You may use artificial intelligence (AI) programs to analyze candidates' facial expressions, tone of voice, mannerisms, and word choice during a video interview with predetermined questions. With this technology, you're more likely to find employees that fit well with your company culture.

Removes hiring bias

HR teams are often inundated with hundreds of resumes whenever a position opens, making it difficult to give each application the same level of scrutiny. Oftentimes, recruiters will simply advance candidates whose backgrounds resemble those of current employees; this means that candidates with diverse work experience or different backgrounds never have a chance.

AI may use A candidate's Google search history, for example, to make a difference in how they're handled throughout the hiring funnel. One such algorithm allows HR professionals to evaluate 10,000 candidates at the same ‌time it takes one person to review one. An AI program can assess candidates based on what they can really accomplish rather than what their CV claims they can do, screening them more quickly and effectively than a human recruiter.

How Tengai improves your interview process

With Tengai, you don’t have to limit how many applicants you want to include for the initial interview. Our AI-powered recruiting software can assess a large group of applicants and objectively score their soft skills and personality traits. We developed interview analytics to assist recruiters in making better hiring decisions while delivering a more equal candidate experience.

To find out more about how we can help you streamline and raise the effectiveness of your job interview process, please get in touch.

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