If you are in need of seasonal recruitment, this quick guide is perfect for you. Here you will learn how to create an efficient seasonal hiring process, with increased quality and engaging candidate experience. It might sound like an overwhelming task, but it is possible if you follow our four steps. 

Growing demand for seasonal recruitment

August 2022, The Statistical Database reported that there was an increase of 98 000 temporary employment positions in Sweden, compared to the previous year. While it is exciting to see the growing demand and high volumes of candidates, we also realize that it is creating challenges for recruiters who efficiently need to assess applicants to make better hiring decisions. So we put together this quick guide with four simple steps to help you create a better seasonal recruitment process. 

Step 1: Attract top talent

To attract diverse talent, you need to have an inclusive job description that is leaving out gender-based language and terms, as well as industry jargon. Start with a job title that leaves out any hint at gender or industry preference. Keep it simple and focus on the job at hand. Likewise, work on eliminating masculine and feminine words from the job posting.

Find ways to communicate your commitment to inclusion to different groups of applicants. Be honest if your organization is not yet where you want to be and let people know what your plans for supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion are.

Step 2: Screen more efficiently

There are very few things more time-consuming than wading through endless numbers of resumes and conducting repetitive phone screening interviews to find the gems amongst them. Even with highly targeted placement of adverts on specialist job portals and clear essential role requirements and pre-screening questions – the resumes just keep on coming. A recruitment partner is the first step in this filtration process, eliminating the most time-consuming and frustrating element, and thoroughly screening all of the potential candidates to ensure that only the best candidates with the right skill set are presented to you.

To successfully create an efficient and quality-focused seasonal recruitment process, Elin Öberg Mårtenzon CEO at Tengai identifies the screening phase to be a critical phase.

"Seasonal hiring usually has a short time frame and the pressure to perform often leads to a weak screening of potential employees, since recruiters lack the time to quality-assure the high volumes of applicants. As a result, inexperienced or unqualified workers often get the job."


Step 3: Give personalized feedback to every applicant

In today’s market, job-seekers demand a lot of things from the hiring process, and two things in particular: information and feedback. Without these two things, candidates feel like they don't matter, and can this can lead to a negative candidate experience. The cost of having a bad candidate experience is the same as a bad experience for a customer. Which is that people talk... Understanding how to reject a candidate in a good way is crucial to building an employer brand with a good reputation. 

It's therefore extremely important to provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates who are interviewed for a role so they can improve their strategy, develop their skills and find more success in future interviews. But giving personalized feedback to every single applicant can be an extremely time-consuming task. Thankfully, you can use AI recruitment tools to assess and send feedback to every applicant. 

Related: Why conversational AI is better than a chatbot.


Step 4: Conduct unbiased interviews 

To successfully identify top talent it is key to have an unbiased interview where you focus on identifying and selecting future colleagues based on their skills and competencies. Without taking background or appearance into consideration. When creating an unbiased process, you don’t allow unconscious biases to affect the recruitment and job-seekers can be assessed in a fair way.

By automating the screening phase, it becomes possible to push bias further down the recruitment funnel. But employment is ultimately about people, and stereotypes or negative biases are therefore unavoidable. Having an unbiased interview will be another way to mitigate bias throughout your process and increase your quality of hire. 

We hope these four steps have given you some ideas on how you can ramp up your seasonal recruitment process. 


How Tengai can help create a more efficient seasonal hiring process

Tengai combines conversational AI and unbiased recruitment in an interactive screening interview. Not only is Tengai's AI interview convenient and fun for candidates, but it also reduces the number of touch-points and handoffs that recruiters have to stickhandle for every new applicant. With Tengai, recruiters don’t have to coordinate busy schedules or manually screen every applicant. Our AI interview gives recruiters access to structured data which makes it possible to quickly identify matches between candidates and jobs. 

By automating the screening phase it becomes possible to include every applicant and still save countless hours. 

To learn more about how Tengai works and how our AI recruiting tool can help your hiring team achieve even better results through automation, book an obligation-free demo with our experts.

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